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new york


184 Main Street Victoria 8007

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Was established in 1959 after Chang Fatt Hin discovered grafting. Twenty years ago, his son, Chang Teik Seng (popularly called Durian Seng), switched this 6.7-acre durian farm to pesticide-free organic farming to produce healthy, high-quality durian. Durian Seng and his wife, Tan Yen Kim, noticed that their durian became more flavorful, and have identified 5 flavors including a unique “numb” taste that they want to share with you now. Durian Seng and his wife discovered the numb taste by accident one day picking durian at dawn. “POP!!!” A durian dropped suddenly nearby. The smell was so strong that Durian Seng couldn’t help but say, “Wow!” So they quickly searched for that durian with their torch light. Five minutes later, they found the durian on the ground beside a huge rock. The durian had hit the rock and split open into a mess. “It is a waste,” said Mrs. Durian Seng, and she decided that since they couldn’t sell the durian she should eat it. So she ate it right there on the rock. “Oh My God!” she exclaimed. It made her mouth feel totally cool and fizzy, like a sweet and bitter breath mint. Durian Seng then tasted it and was shocked.


Friendly owner, nice view, and nice durian with reasonable price! The durian is fresh and it is old tree durian. Love the taste of a bit bitter+sweet for "Qing Pi". Still get the chance to experience and explore the durian farm after having our durian. The owner will tell you the story of durian and taste the rambutan during farm visit. the rambutan also very nice taste!

Lim from Malaysia Trip Advisor

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